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Fire Protection And Defensible Space in the North Bay

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the North Bay’s Source For Fire Protection

Reducing the risks from fires in the home landscape has never been more at the forefront for the North Bay homeowners. After the Tubbs fire, TreePro expanded our team and our equipment to address the challenge of removing burned or hazardous trees damaged by the fire to provide fire protection and defensible space in Santa Rosa and the surrounding communities, for homes and businesses alike.

Since then, we have continued to expand our capabilities of providing defensible space from tree and brush removal to weed abatement. Our ISA Certified Arborists can provide you with a detailed plan to reduce fuel by clearing dead or downed debris, removing dead branches from trees, raising the low branches on trees, and shaping trees back from your home. We also have a team ready to weed wack or mow tall grass.

Our Preventative Methods & Tools

TreePro has a team of fire protection employees ready to tackle any property. With three large chippers capable of chipping trees and branches up to 20 inches in diameter we can make quick work of creating defensible space. Our track chipper is an all-terrain machine that can work in steep areas to clean up dead or downed trees or brush. We also bring a 500-gallon fire suppression tank and pump whenever working on fire clearance for extra safety.

Ensuring that you have a clear driveway to allow for emergency vehicle access is also crucial in the event of a fire. Fire crews need overhead and side clearance for trucks along roadways and driveways.

Creating Defensible Space

Cal-Fire recommends creating defensible space in Santa Rosa and throughout the North Bay, starting near your home and extending to 100 feet. There are three zones, which include Zone 1 (within five feet of your home), Zone 2 (from five feet out to 30 feet), and Zone 3 (from 30 feet to 100 feet from your home).

Check the Cal Fire website for more information on creating defensible space near your home, and depend on TreePro to provide a comprehensive plan for reducing your fire risk.